Replacement Is Planned First, Mr. Kryuchkov reportedly agreed to replace the agency's chief in Lithuania, Gen. Edmundas Eismuntas, with a man more amenable to Lithuanians.
Kenney had specifically requested General Henry Arnold to send Wilson to replace his chief of staff, Air Vice Marshal William Bostock, an RAAF officer.
On June 5, 2009, the White House announced that Michelle Obama was replacing her current chief of staff, Jackie Norris, with Susan Sher, a longtime friend and adviser.
The move came as President Vladimir V. Putin replaced his chief of staff.
In order to exert greater control over the coming battle, he had replaced Aylmer's chief of staff with his own man, Major-General George Gorringe.
One example came when he replaced the city's chief of police with William H. Parker because of the rampant corruption within the Los Angeles Police Department.
Officials said the report would increase the pressure on Mr. Reagan to replace his chief of staff.
Then, it was whether he would mount an attack on Congress, and after that, whether he would replace his new chief of staff.
The effort took shape about the time Mr. Bush replaced his chief of staff, John H. Sununu, with Samuel K. Skinner.
Mr. Leibowitz will replace CREF's long-time chief, James Martin, who retired on March 31.