In May 2006, the Canadian government extended Canadian military commitments to Afghanistan by two years, replacing earlier plans to withdraw soldiers in 2006.
Expansion plans soon replaced plans of rebuilding the destroyed city walls.
The new episodes replaced plans to screen repeats of Australian travel series, Things To Try Before You Die.
Connections are paid for on a monthly basis, not charged per call, so different billing approaches are replacing pricing-per-minute plans.
The new lift has replaced plans for a new trail that would have connected the South peak to Granite.
Companies have been steadily replacing such plans with defined-contribution plans in which workers save a portion of their pay for retirement tax-deferred, and companies contribute a partial match.
As a result, critics said, people might buy cheaper specified-disease plans to replace more expensive comprehensive plans, leaving themselves unprotected if, say, they are hit by a car.
Replacing saving plans aimed at medical care and higher education with one lifetime account, Mr. Engelhardt warned, could also curb savers' enthusiasm.
Short-term military gains began to replace national long-term political plans.
It urged replacing plans for a for-profit, Olympic-quality ice skating training center and instead building twin rinks for hockey and recreational skating.