This is because Karnataka does not have to replace nuclear plants with alternative power sources, where the least environmentally damaging happens to be most expensive.
When you are replacing plants and flowers, look for varieties that are hardy and require less watering.
Consider replacing indoor plants with artificial plants.
Wind turbines cannot replace fuel-burning plants completely because the wind cannot be ordered to blow.
Indian people were often not supplied with food, clothing, and utensils to replace the game and plants which were being destroyed.
A lot of work has been put into the walled garden to bring it to its present state with planting to replace dead plants.
"We are planning on building some new assembly plants to replace and consolidate older plants," Mr. Smith said.
So many of them took handfuls of dirt from the grave that the nuns had to keep replacing the earth and plants at the cemetery.
Although nobody expects wind power to replace nuclear plants in the foreseeable future, advocates say that every kilowatt generated by alternative sources is a help.
A Cornell University survey estimated the cost of replacing damaged plants at between $6.4 million and $9.5 million in the county.