Warm remaining wine mixture slightly, and pour over fruit; replace plastic and weights, and chill until gelatin is firm.
Soybean plant cellulose can replace plastic (made from oil).
They are hiring well-known chefs to help revamp menus, replacing plastic with silverware and ceramic crockery, and offering more healthful fare.
Links Google Wallet makes its debut Google's virtual credit card can replace plastic (David Pogue) Will your Google Wallet be stolen in 18 minutes?
Its developers hope it will replace the stainless steel, plastic or ceramic brackets that are worn by one million new dental patients each year.
If it were not so expensive it could be used to replace glass, metal, or plastic in any of infinite industrial applications.
Many stores have replaced plastic with recycled paper boxes.
In New York, the Oriental Lamp Shade Company will replace plastic with silk cord in white, gold or brown, above, for about $65.
Can we ever replace plastic?
Cosmetic variations on the N1500, with black replacing the silver frontage and black plastic surround rather than wood.