He has joined other wellie lovers, including Darlington MP Michael Fallon, who reckon a new boot would never replace 200 years of tradition.
The carbine was replaced eight years in January 1969 by the German 7.62 mm G-3 rifle.
New model number A1314 replaced the A1255, two years and two months after the initial release.
It may need replacing every 50 years or so.
The daunting challenge is to quickly secure peace and ensure all Ivoirians that representative and functional governance will replace 10 years of distrust.
How do you replace 57 years and 408 victories?
Now the familiar face in the lunch room is gone, the 10-year company man replaced by a younger, cheaper kid two years removed from college.
Businesses tend to replace computer equipment every year and a half to three years, but schools hold onto equipment for three to five years and sometimes much longer.
Nevertheless, we believe that a solution on the majority vote to replace more than 50 years of unanimous voting can still be found, and the desire to find one is unanimous.