One way or another, something will have to replace the enormous office, retail and transportation complex represented by the World Trade Center.
It also calls for an outside contractor to design and carry out a new promotion assessment center to replace the current office.
The position replaced the office of Financial Secretary in 2009 when the new Constitution came into effect.
The Act replaces the ancient office of bailiff with that of enforcement agent.
But the biggest obstacle to replacing the old Prime Minister's office has been slowing the revolving door in front of it.
In 1911, it replaced the office of Resident-General as head of the British colonial administration.
It was built to replace the older and smaller office on Jarvis Street.
It replaced the office of Governor General which was representative of the British monarch.
In 1952, however, the constitution was revised to replace the office of president with an executive council.
In this later role, the bailiff has essentially replaced the pre-Conquest office of scyldhǣta (scultheta).