This month we decided to do what had to be done, and replace the roof completely with something better designed for the climate.
It was closed to the public in 2004 due to the need to replace the 100-year old roof and other needed improvements.
She needed a second mortgage for $19,000 as well to replace the windows, the doors and the roof.
The loan will be used to replace roofs on 26 of the association's buildings.
First construction on the project began in 2005 when the Friends group replaced the dilapidated roof.
Plans are being drawn up to replace the roof and fundraising is under way.
Then phase 2 started in the summer of 2011 which included replacing the roof and the facade on the south building.
A $12733 federal matching grant awarded in 2012 will be used to replace the roof on one building.
We let the home inspection go - if $10,000 was needed to replace the roof, so be it.
He instead retained the house, later replacing the roof.