It was designed by Robert Stevenson and completed in 1815 at the cost of £1,000 replacing the previous route to the village an ancient ford.
The current highway was designated in 1979, replacing the former route of M-131; the routing has remained unchanged since.
Due to weather conditions, this service temporarily replaces the route that normally operates from the Liverpool landing stage using fast craft.
These replace the 60-minute route and connect at the Rothschild Shopko.
It was approved on 20 June 1967, and it replaced the route of US 410, therefore making the highway obsolete.
For some years Waugh Thistleton have been researching the use of solid timber structures in housing to replace the accepted route of concrete and steel.
Also serves as the midday Wheaton Plaza shuttle, replacing the old route 40 in 1998.
Prompted by safety concerns at a major intersection near Morton, state transportation officials replaced the entire route with a limited-access freeway.
This replaced the withdrawn route ELP while the East London Line was closed.
It was rerouted to its current routing between Albany and Brady in 1951, replacing the old route of US 183.