It has been replaced and updated several times, most recently in 2001.
Just about everything else, however, has been replaced, several times.
The causeway itself has had to be replaced several times following major rainfall and flooding.
Nero's head was also replaced several times with the heads of succeeding emperors.
The rope, which weighs over a ton, must be replaced several times a year in a special ceremony.
Since then, the costume has been replaced several times, most recently in 1982.
Many students saw their teachers replaced several times over a year as senior teachers "bumped" junior ones.
The post had been replaced several times, including at least one episode after the beginning of mound construction.
He finally emerged from the bedroom wearing a tattered old robe she'd offered to replace numerous times but to no avail.
Over the years it was replaced several times by guard houses of different sizes and layouts (see photographs).