Side skirts were replaced with a new type.
Minor changes in 2004 included the grille and replacing the headlights with a "tear drop" type.
The frontal "heavy" third of the side skirts was replaced with a new, stronger type.
This opportunity was taken to replace the old lifts (with iron folding doors) with a more modern type.
The 9th Division replaced all its patches with a new type in the shape of a "T".
The five-foot step, usually taken to avoid attacks of opportunity, is replaced with a type of movement called shifting.
The main change from the M-1 was that the tunnel radiator was replaced with a frontal type.
Novatel replaced the recalled units with a type that featured an easier-to-open battery compartment.
The bogies were replaced with a different type, significantly improving the locomotive's behaviour at higher speeds.
Those bombs had to be replaced with a type more suitable for use against anti-aircraft emplacements.