These have all now been replaced by homes or the Co-op.
Many of the mansions have been replaced by split-level homes, their land sold off to build condominium projects or donated to the county.
They'll be replaced by new homes costing more than a million pounds.
The school and area were replaced by residential homes.
Both neighborhoods have seen "tear downs" in the last 10-15 years, with the modest homes being replaced by upscale homes.
But after some decades, these fields had been replaced by homes and crops had been pushed outside the city walls.
During the years between 1910 and 1940, most of the agricultural land was replaced by homes and factories.
It was replaced by residential homes in 1874, which were demolished to clear ground for the new Woodward school building in 1907.
After that failed, all the fields and groves were replaced by homes and golf courses.
By 1923 no sod houses existed in Shields; they were replaced by wooden homes.