In 1751 he returned to the ducal court, where he remained for two more years, eventually being replaced by his younger brother.
The 340 America was replaced by its larger-engined brother, the 375 America.
When he died in 1995, he was replaced by his brother Luis Rodolfo.
Wendell was later replaced by his older brother, John Brunious.
He only survived a year and was replaced as co-count by his younger brother William.
He remained as editor for a few months afterward at a reduced salary, but was soon replaced by the printer's brother.
Antonio ruled energetically but briefly and died in 1445, to be replaced by his deposed brother.
They continued to work together until the 1994 season, when Bown left and was replaced by his brother Jim.
He was then replaced by his brother Michinaga.
Her father abdicated in 1917, replaced as King by her brother Alexander.