To no one's surprise, many replacement devices being proposed make heavy use of computer technology.
It won't please everyone though, and Apple should be prepared to offer full refunds or replacement devices to the most disgruntled customers.
Customers with older handsets were given free replacement devices.
Progress has been slower with some replacement devices, like the artificial heart, experts say.
This often results in requests for returns and replacement devices, a headache for carriers to deal with.
You gave everyone to understand-quite tersely-that you had a replacement device in reserve.
When Access Cardiosystems alerted customers to the recall, it simply shut its doors and did not offer replacement devices or refunds.
The replacement device includes a new hard drive; anything not backed up on iTunes, such as documents or photos, will be good as gone.
Customers who have personalized iPod nano devices will not be able to receive personalization on their replacement devices.
Due to the variety of possible voltages and currents available at the thermostat, caution must be taken when selecting a replacement device.