This is a mechanism that prevents replication error that would cause mutations in DNA.
In doing so, they caused a replication error in the Legacy-2 viroid that was killing her.
During G, any damaged DNA or replication errors are corrected.
However, this binding to DNA will cause replication errors in living tissue, possibly leading to mutations and cancer.
There can also be replication errors that lead to substitution, insertion, or deletion mutations.
This protein can also reverse damage from replication errors.
This complex adaptation evolves gradually, with occasional replication errors resulting in large but survivable phenotypic change.
Mr. Morris learned of his replication error through a monitoring mechanism he had built into his program.
The DNA is simply implausibly repetitive, and it can't be anything except replication errors repeated over and over.
Re-methylation occurs within two to four seconds, during which time replication errors in the new strand are repaired.