"Yes, you could say that," she replied coyly.
Thank you," she replied coyly, and gave her head a tiny toss so that the bells chimed.
"He's still okay," Monica replied coyly, following her mother into the living room.
"Maybe," she replied coyly, but she wondered how he could possibly know that.
Online, Bieber replied coyly, "She's one of my best friends."
"If the prize was cute enough," Lopez replied coyly.
"Let's say that I'm back in government service," Ryan replied coyly.
Bob also played the little girl Jennifer who, asked her name, would coyly reply: "Jen-ni-fer!"
"Well, I'm working as an actor now," he coyly replies.
Asked his age, he replied coyly, "39 but I turn 40 in February."