And reports from scores of witnesses claiming to have seen one or the other of the outlaws after 1908 abounded.
Since the situation is unfolding so quickly, and inaccurate reports abound, we need to be properly apprised of developments.
During the siege of Jerusalem, the reports and fears of spies abounded.
False reports of Republican strength in Alabama abounded.
Since the March 20 disclosure of the investigation, reports have abounded on Rose's past gambling history.
Wireless communications near hospital patients would have been unthinkable a few years ago, when reports about pacemaker and pump failures caused by radio transmissions abounded.
Anecdotal reports of life-changing improvements attributed to the Buteyko method abound on the internet and in books.
"Anecdotal reports abound on both sides," he said.
Local reports abound on the proliferation of witchcraft in the Third Zone District.
"Authentic" reports that the Lunarians were still around abounded.