Despite the compromise, though, similar provisions have been included instead in a report accompanying the bill.
These requests and reports must accompany the application to take the written examination.
The letter was accompanied by a 28-page report detailing the city's objections to the state investigation.
But the 29-page report accompanying the video made clear that the impact of rising sea levels would be felt Island-wide.
In the report accompanying the act, Congress was clear about its intention to treat capital gains the same as ordinary income.
A report accompanying the commission's proposal for legislation found that the industry had made significant progress in policing itself, but not enough.
The flash was accompanied by a report that was terrifying.
It must also be accompanied by a report prepared by an independent accountant.
The letter to the bishops will be accompanied by a report on the Holy See's budget for 1985.
This autumn, those proposals will be accompanied by a report on the operation of the own-resources system.