The business systems unit also reported a loss, because of lower revenues in the quarter.
Are some cases meeting the criteria not reported because of programming logic that has errors?
In those situations, the agents might not report the input truthfully because of their own personal interests.
Indeed, in the fourth quarter, the company will report a loss largely because of the sports programming.
The company said yesterday that it expected to report a loss for the current quarter because of price cuts on its personal computers.
They point out that military families may be more reluctant to report issues of abuse because of the potential impact on the service member's career.
The group also believes some couples did not report themselves because of fears about their immigration status.
The telecommunications and space business reported a 3.3 percent decline in revenues to $582 million, mostly because of shrinking revenue from government programs.
Those who reported low self-esteem because of worries about appearance were more likely to report depression a month later.
Times Mirror reported losses for the fourth quarter and year because of several charges against earnings.