They didn't report any other submarine in the area, either on or below the surface.
All the disk lasers reported work at the round-trip loss below this estimate.
But he reported to camp at 202 pounds, 14 fewer than one year ago and 3 below his weight when the season ended.
The company reported fourth-quarter net income of $1.88 a share, well below last year's $2.47 a share and the $2.45-a-share range most analysts had expected.
It also reported profits well below estimates and an inability to account for $5.4 million logged as revenue last year.
The percentage of family households was 77.4%; 39.7% of residents reported 1999 income below the poverty line.
Their 1997 income was roughly double what they reported in 1996, but $300,000 below 1995.
In contrast, no athletes beyond the first year of college reported a grade-point average below 2.0.
Nearly a quarter reported having had thoughts of suicide at some point, well below the average found in the total population.
But later one of the outposts reported firing from the bottomlands below the camp.