The reports bolstered the market's view that the Federal Reserve was unlikely to reduce short-term interest rates soon.
Other advocates of fish farming contended that the report bolstered their view that the industry posed little risk to native salmon.
The report bolstered expectations that the Federal Reserve would not raise interest rates later this month.
The reports bolstered the market before the Fed news.
The report bolsters the health organization's longstanding position that use of the drugs in healthy animals should be curtailed.
Strong economic reports have recently bolstered the dollar by indicating that interest rates would remain steady or rise.
The two reports, coming in the final days before the Presidential election, could bolster the campaign of Vice President Bush.
The Labor Department's report that prices at the producer level fell last month bolstered the bond market and the dollar.
And reports last week on the ravages of the recession could bolster the arguments on both sides.
These reports, according to the post-crisis analysis, bolstered an earlier "vague report" (probably from a secret agent) that referred to a Russian rocket base.