The report did not define the products, which it said had been confiscated from shops in the Hanoi area.
The report defined the neediest school districts as those in the quartile with the most students below the poverty line.
Others, like the oak savannas, have suffered what the report defines as degradation.
The report firstly defines what is meant by the term "investment companies".
The report defined the present-day system of tenure, which existed then but was haphazard and much abused.
The report defines an unmanageable educational debt as one draining more than 8 percent of a person's monthly income.
And the report defines "excessive" in a way that may prompt dispute.
The report defines "rape" to include completed and attempted rapes.
The three reports took account of these shortcomings and also defined them excellently.
The report clearly defines which beverages may be bottled in sparkling wine bottles.