However many other reports deny this saying that the Independent Companies did not have the stomach for crushing the embers of rebellion.
Several people were reported missing in Nicaragua, however post-storm reports denied these claims.
Subsequent reports denied this, but others said his escape was effected through a payment of $1.5 million to prison guards.
Our network-control specialists also send each hotel a report every night telling them about the business denied that day for any time in the future.
The report disputed the charges, and denied that it practiced block booking.
The report denied that this was the decisive issue, but pointed instead to problems with the American roadblock and actions of the soldiers.
Polish reports denied that Nieznalska would be subjected to a third trial, emphasizing the acquittal as binding.
Yet the report neither confirms nor denies this.
There are too many reports of visitors who have been treated in inhumane ways: imprisoned, held without food or water, denied the right to use the toilet.
A report by the UN late last year neither confirmed nor denied US claims.