For example, Christall reports differences between 1% and 33%.
It reported pronounced differences in the outcome for patients, depending on race and socio-economic status.
Most polls report few important differences in how black and white Americans described their feelings about their country.
The Los Angeles Times also reported "creative differences" led to the split.
Over all, the assessment reported large differences in quality between lines.
The census reported wide differences by state in the proportion of school revenue raised by each level of government and how the money was spent.
The participants were asked to report differences between the visual stimuli presented to them in consecutive order.
While research suggests that claimed self-handicaps are used by men and women alike, several studies have reported significant differences.
Researchers have reported significant differences in the average IQ test scores of various racial groups.
Owners reported behavioral differences between year 1 and 2 in 24 of the dogs.