In another statement the Iraqi minister added a report by the technical team, submitted following their visit to Kuwait, dismissed all fears about the port.
But the Congressional report dismissed those concerns.
Today's report dismisses claims that boxing could be made safer with head guards or shorter rounds.
To date, all reports from the field, based on queries to "moderate leaders" in the region, have dismissed the possible action as "unfeasible."
The report dismissed such imbalances as meaningless.
The officials called recent reports of popular protests "exaggerated" and dismissed concerns about the future market for electricity.
The report also dismissed claims that the murder was conducted solely by "Maoists."
This report unfortunately dismisses organic food, as being at present incapable of providing enough food for Europe as it's not cost effective.
The economic report dismisses claims that America is unusually profligate in its energy use.
The agency's 300-page report doesn't dismiss melatonin.