A large number of young men reported eating white bread, chips, meat pies and sweets regularly.
He didn't report eating any abnormal foods, nor had he traveled outside of Japan in the past few years.
Almost one in five adult Americans now report eating at least half a serving of white or brown rice per day.
Once again, they reported eating no more and often less than did people of normal weight.
A research report from 2008 shows that eight out of ten respondents reported eating bread for breakfast and lunch regularly.
However, few of them reported eating bread for their evening meal.
On average, they reported eating 1.4 fewer servings of fish per month afterward.
They also reported eating less fish and chicken.
When asked to write down everything they've consumed in a day, people tend to report eating far less than they actually do.
During a 24-hour period, only 11% reported eating the recommended two or more servings of fruit and three or...