The report faulted the department's communications systems and its largely ineffective emergency operations.
The report faulted the Administration for its failure to raise the issue until recently.
By implication, the report faulted the West's response so far as slow, narrow and parsimonious.
The report faulted the city for not adequately explaining why the money being requested could reduce risks.
The report faulted her management style and the culture it fostered.
But that report did not fault the veterans involved.
The district's report also faulted Edison for high teacher turnover after each of its first two years managing the school.
The report also faulted the voluntary hospitals for sharing a light burden.
But the report also faulted the department for inadequately training firefighters on how to provide a fallen member with an air supply.
The report also faulted an overall lack of coordination and communication between the various agencies involved with the family.