Sketchy reports were still filtering in from the States but now winter had hit them hard too.
But they've only seen reports filtered through a hundred offices, each one bound to gloss over facts that don't make its own job look so fiery important.
If he had, Jeffrey would have thought reports of such bizarre reactions would have filtered through the grapevine.
In Banda Aceh, the provincial capital, reports are filtering in of thousands of bodies, some lined up outside a city mosque.
Soon reports were filtering back to the Soviet Union of a strange place called Brooklyn.
It was three days before the reports on the incident filtered their way to the task force.
In fact, the idea had come from Waterdeep itself: In recent months, reports of attacks on sea-elf communities had filtered ashore.
IT was summer 1975 when the chilling report filtered through to our suburban Dublin kitchen: there'd been another killing in Northern Ireland.
With the merchant shipping in that sector, fantastic reports of sea battles must be filtering back from the neutral ships escaping from the immediate area.
Phone lines and roads to the areas under attack are cut, but reports are filtering out of numerous dead.