Schifrin reported in an interview that working with Friedkin was one of the most unpleasant experiences in his life.
She reported in an interview that her decision to leave Proudly Filipina was a tough one, but eventually she had to make her family the priority.
"There were some shallow changes, but it was essentially the same program," Johnson-Laird reported in an interview with BusinessWeek.
However, Young reported in a later 1970 audio interview that other veterans told him afterwards there had been false surrender.
Salomon Carlebach reported in an interview on the moment that he saw his father for the last time:
Holliday reported in an interview in 1882 that "from that time a coolness grew up between the two men.
Leonid Kvinikhidze reported in an interview later that his intention was not a film for kids, but for adults.
By October 2009 he reported approvingly in an interview with Joseph Stiglitz:
It was also reported in an interview that "without her the show wouldn't have been where it is today".
Following Murphy's death, Silverstone reported in an interview: "I loved working with Brittany.