He and other city officials also reported a drop in the number of possible anthrax-related illnesses.
For years, public and nonprofit food assistance programs have been reporting a sharp rise in the number of working families using their services.
While airlines reported normal service and no drop in the number of passengers, it was not a typical day.
However, the government reported a nearly 40 percent decrease in the number of cabarets operating during the reporting period.
And business schools report moderate increases in the number of offers their students have received by this point in the year.
Some Orange County public schools reported no change in the number of absent students, while others were slightly higher.
All major carriers reported big jumps in the number of calls and bookings.
The patients later reported a significant reduction in the number of migraines per week.
The centre reported a rise in the number of cases in the last six to seven years.
The Census Bureau also reported a large increase in the number of children without health insurance.