Health-related information is often disseminated to the public via mainstream media outlets; these reports influence doctors, the general public, and the government.
Medical issues are widely reported, and these reports influence physicians, the general public, and the government.
It is likely that this report influenced the decision to kill Gan.
This annual report has since provided data for numerous peer-reviewed studies and has influenced policy in several nations.
He headed a royal commission into decentralization whose report influenced subsequent Indian legislation.
He said Dr. Ridker's report would influence the guidelines.
His somewhat exaggerated report would greatly influence the decisions made by the Washington administration.
Perhaps not; but I am sure that the reports have influenced some.
With less than a week left before tightly contested midterm elections, these economic reports could influence the choices of some voters.
Many reports influence policy decisions; some are instrumental in enabling new research programs; others provide independent program reviews.