There have been rare reports of harm to an unborn baby when corticosteroids are used during pregnancy.
He noted that the agency had received 18,000 reports of harm associated with ephedra, including 164 deaths.
In its report, the Government Accountability Office made these points: States often take weeks or months to start investigating reports of harm to nursing home residents.
There have been no reports of harm.
Intake involves receiving and screening reports of possible harm to determine if intervention is necessary.
However, there have been no reports of harm to babies whose mothers received the vaccine before realizing they were pregnant.
There have been rare reports of harm to the unborn baby.
The new concerns arise in part from scattered reports of long-term harm associated with implants and in part from new research on the interaction between implant materials and the human body.
Despite these reports of harm from involvement with HA, such reports are not universal.
While there have been no reports of harm to nursing infants, consult your doctor before breast-feeding.