Forty-six percent of the households sampled in Kisumu had access to electricity, and 12.6% reported owning a car.
And some of them can offer firsthand advice: 14 percent of the pediatricians surveyed reported owning guns themselves.
General Dynamics, in which Berkshire last reported owning 4.3 million shares, fell as low as $81.06 before rallying to close at $82.44, down 81 cents.
About 2 percent of those 69 and over reported owning one.
Family farms are presently producing almost exclusively for their own consumption, and only two Crnce farmers report owning more than ten cows.
In 2006, he reported owning stock in Financial Guaranty Corporation, the holding company for the bank, that was worth more than $50 million.
From that group, 42 percent reported owning smartphones, evening out to 35 percent of all adults surveyed.
In the 1890 census, only about 6 percent of New York City residents reported owning a home.
He reported owning the stock in financial disclosure reports filed in 1985 and 1986.
He also reported owning a variety of stocks and mutual funds, most of them valued from $1,000 to $15,000.