I got every technician to report to me personally.
K'Fron liked to pretend that the newscaster was present in his own room and reporting to him personally.
I sent him out on that mission, and he's got every right to report back to me personally.
Tung Chee-hwa, the chief executive, appointed 14 senior officials who will report to him personally and oversee the civil service.
Your assignment is to find out what's really going on and report back to me personally.
He personally reported several battles during the Civil War.
Ponce de León decided he should return to Spain and personally report the results of his recent expedition.
Gentlemen, despite his obvious ill health the major has been kind enough to appear before us today to personally report on the progress of our road.
Roosevelt invited Montgomery to report to him personally, an opportunity the ambassador took occasionally.
Now Ernst had to report to the man personally, before being shipped to the front.