These participants added that a strong report could possibly provoke the Federal Reserve Board to tighten monetary policy.
Their daring and thoughtful report provoked widespread controversy and unfair caricature.
The consultants' report provoked immediate criticism yesterday from some politicians who advocate keeping the Yankees in their current stadium.
This report provoked accusations of tribal favoritism.
The reports provoked swift denunciations.
This report provoked violent reaction in Andhra as the Telugus were not prepared to forego their claims.
The report has provoked angry reactions from Republicans and Democrats in Congress, some of whom have charged that the bureau ran roughshod over civil liberties.
They hope the reports of electoral fraud will lead to popular outrage and provoke an uprising and prompt the military to oust the general.
The report provoked nervous, but inadvertently or not it carried a pithy message about the changes slowly working on the divided Korean peninsula.
But on Aug. 28, 1989, the report provoked only silence.