Nonetheless, the report remained, in all its patent error, classified Top Secret until 1973.
The report did not cause much alarm among industry experts, who said housing activity was experiencing a gradual slowdown but remained at a healthy level.
At that point, the report remained on the minister's desk for some time.
However, this week's most important report remains the November employment data scheduled for Friday.
Your reports will remain in our archives as models of what a report should be.
Contrary to the executive council chairman's expectation, the report that will redefine the role of the commissioner remained with baseball's ruling body today.
The reports themselves remained in the schools where parents or anyone else could request to see them.
Breith was out of contact and reports from the front showed that the tanks were taking heavy losses and could not remain standing under fire.
I do not know when they will actually be dealt with, but whatever happens these reports must remain on the April agenda.
His reports remained in popular use many years after his death.