The city had a 2005 census population of 89,915 persons, while the municipality reported 98,560 inhabitants.
The municipality reported 12,154 inhabitants in the year 2000 census.
The municipality reported 13 623 inhabitants in the year 2000 census.
The municipality reported 6 917 inhabitants in the year 2000 census.
Orangi town has a population of approximately 2.5 million although government records report 700,000 inhabitants.
The municipality reported 30 017 inhabitants in the year 2000 census.
The municipality reported 24,990 inhabitants in the year 2010 census.
A 1835 census reported 241 inhabitants (133 men, 108 women), mostly engaged in fishing.
The municipality reported 17 269 inhabitants in the 2000 census.
The municipality reported 29 355 inhabitants in the 2000 census.