It only includes religious bodies reporting 60,000 or more members.
The company reported 900,000 members just one month ago, and 800,000 in May.
They currently report 120 members both national and international.
In 2003, the Association reported 300,000 members in over 1,400 congregations.
In fact, in 2007 the company reported more than 12 million members.
Only three clubs reported more than two black members, and at least two of them are special cases.
In 2009, the museum reported 119,000 members and 2.8 million visitors over the previous fiscal year.
Handgun Control is a citizens' lobby that was established in 1974 and now reports almost a million members.
Formed in 1981, as of 30 November 2007, the province reported 22,000 members.
In 2006, the denomination reported 3,774 churches and 698,686 members.