The Fire Department reported taking 30 students to the hospital on a city bus.
About one in four Americans report taking some type of medication every year to help them sleep.
Below, we report on a number of initiatives currently taking place in the regions.
In the Southern Hemisphere, they reported taking nearly 53,000 between 1948-73, when the true total was a little over 41,000.
Thirty-five percent reported taking one or more vacations with their grandchildren in the last 12 months.
The doctor will report back to the company on the clinical progress of the patients taking the drug.
The French reported taking 300 prisoners; other losses are not known.
Yet only 2 percent of the students reported taking an elective course in preventive medicine.
They reported taking an undetermined number of prisoners to a local jail.
The study subjects reported taking the drug an average of 2.4 times a month.