He reported visions in which God had revealed to him Cromwell's lust for power and his impending ruin.
Wyatt said that they had promised each other to report visions of the next world when at the point of death.
Around 1425 he began living in a hermitage, where he reported religious visions, and began attracting followers.
Both nuns reported visions of Jesus and Mary.
She later became bedridden for 28 years and reported visions of Jesus and Mary.
However, in the following centuries, many saints reported visions of both Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
For almost two years thereafter she reported similar visions.
Ottaviani's conservative nature led him to be highly critical of works that reported visions of Jesus and Mary, although he would sometimes reverse his position later.
It is not uncommon for children and young people, especially women, to report visions of Nkai.