Reported crime continued to decline in the first quarter of 1996 - 33 percent since 1993.
Reported crime may be down, but the public's threshold for pain keeps going up.
Reported crime dropped 23 percent last year, easily beating the national average, and since 1990 has fallen almost by half.
Reported crime is way down - by 60 percent or more over the past decade, according to department statistics on the three precincts there.
Reported crime dropped 18 percent and he was overwhelmingly re-elected this month.
While the police say there used to be hundreds of robberies, last year the only reported crime was one picked pocket.
Reported crime increased several times between 1800 and 1840, but so did the efficiency of government in recording offences.
Reported crime at the station is very low.
With little reported crime on Newforest, the police had always been a formality that no one, least of all themselves, took very seriously.
Reported crime was down from 2005 but the number of arrests were "well up", after a proactive operation of the police and security on site.