The BBC says that the 59-year-old reporter contacted the group only as part of his journalistic work for the broadcaster.
Now reporters were contacting everyone they could find with a connection to Pole to try to get more information about me.
The reporter contacted the United States Food and Drug Administration.
According to the Justice Department, the reporters contacted both charities and asked questions one day before the raids had been planned.
However, Wales later denied the shake-up and that the reporter had ever contacted him.
The Committee asks that reporters contact our Communications office at (202) 226-9019 at least one business day prior to the scheduled hearing or markup.
The police took about 210 immigrants, including 68 children, to a detention center, and did not allow reporters to contact them.
She and the reporter for The Morning News contacted The Times, and were told that no such telephone calls had been placed.
In order to find him, a reporter contacted several graffiti aficionados, most of whom warned that Revs, whoever he was, would probably not cooperate.
Only after a reporter contacted Mr. Bley did he realize anyone thought he might not be alive.