Influential commentators and reporters converged on North Devon.
When the police let us go, the reporters and photographers and TV cameras converge on us as we walk to the car.
After the fatally wounded Dr. King was taken to the hospital, reporters converged on the motel.
'Leave Us Alone' The move was unannounced but as word quickly spread this morning, reporters and onlookers converged on the scene.
When Bruno goes missing, a media circus begins as reporters from all over Italy converge on the town.
With an efficiency born of tragic experience, the police, ambulances, body-collectors, reporters and right-wing demonstrators converged on the blast site within minutes.
People and reporters from all over England converged on this little market town and interviewed the residents.
So many reporters had converged on the planet that they almost outnumbered the populace of the capital city.
While reporters converged for the three-year anniversary, plenty of other things were going on in Waco.
When reporters converged on Sea View in February 1952, they discovered ecstatic patients.