During the first such news conference, over one hundred reporters crowded into Wilson's office to ask him questions.
Coaches, players, reporters, and fans crowded the field as if the game had ended.
The reporters stood up and crowded forward when Johnny stepped through the swing doors and into the west lobby.
Cameras and reporters crowded around the cash register at the bookstore to catch the mayhem of T-shirt sales.
The reporters crowded the car, shouting and attacking the windows with their microphones.
Three days later, dignitaries and reporters crowded Frankfort's tiny white clapboard church.
Some 175 Wall Street analysts, industry executives and reporters crowded the courtroom today.
So when the crowd surged back from the Marine Guards, the reporters crowded in.
A few reporters, unable to get to Fitzgerald, crowded around Johnson.
Joe opened a desk drawer and the reporters crowded forward.