The reporter met dark, flashing eyes; he saw tight lips that were attractive in their determined firmness.
They get many extra points if a reporter meets them in person.
Carcetti has a reporter meet him to discuss the delayed police academy training off the record.
Both reporters meet, and fall in love with, a young woman who turns out to be Norden's daughter living under an assumed name.
The reporters would be meeting him at his home in three hours.
In particular, the reporter never met with or even spoke to Mende prior to publication of the article.
Ings returned to a hero's welcome in Australia, as reporters from television networks met him at the airport.
The reporter meets him in a parking lot.
The reporter flushed, then straightened her shoulders and met Eve's annoyed glare dead on.
He told me to go over to China Bobby's restaurant, that another reporter would meet me there.