After the debate, candidates appeared in the press center to ask for questions, but as several hundred reporters scrambled to file their articles, there were not many.
Even the social reporters from The Washington Post were scrambling to find out details about the event this afternoon.
He pulled the trigger, but the gun did not discharge, but reporters scrambled for cover behind cars and trucks, then called the police.
Like Jennings, they would spend the next forty-five minutes authoritatively treading water as their reporters scrambled to catch up with the breaking story.
The information glut was such that reporters were scrambling to unearth as many new dirty secrets as possible.
As the passions increased, reporters and photographers scrambled atop nearby cars to get better vantage points.
Then, like a horde of dogs with the same scent in their nostrils, reporters scrambled forward.
Nonetheless, for days after Private Lynch's rescue, reporters scrambled for any information.
But I'm sure reporters are scrambling for credentials and are on the way.
The reporters scrambled with cell phones and laptops and pagers, talking without thinking.