The reporters spent the day interviewing some of Sheridan's 3,200 residents, and, that done, each other.
But with articles that a reporter spends a couple of weeks writing, why can't a better review be done?
To sample their views, a reporter and a photographer spent time with the soldiers during five months of training.
The reporter, from the Sun newspaper, spent a night inside posing as an inmate.
The commanding officer was asked if the reporters might spend a few days with his men.
Your reporter apparently spent a great deal of time on the campus interviewing faculty and students.
A week before the season opened, a reporter and photographer spent a working day with her.
The 44-year-old reporter has spent more than half his life at The Times.
To test the book, a reporter spent $16.99 to buy the ingredients for three spells.
A reporter from People magazine spent her days on a courthouse bench.