And last year, when she was released from a federal prison, reporters trailed her back to her luxurious Alpine town house, where she served 30 days on house arrest.
With reporters trailing him as he wandered from shack to shack, shaking hands that were shyly offered, Mr. Gephardt said the lack of improvement here exemplified the agreement's broken promises.
While she tried to take in the implications of that shocking statement, the security agents hustled Shahdi through the station, leaving Caddrick and the reporters to trail after them, shouting questions nobody answered.
Out-of-town reporters, shoulders burdened by cameras, trailed new members from their home districts.
"We'll just play the games on the field," Steinbrenner snapped, without breaking stride, as reporters trailed him to an elevator.
He was mostly alone, but reporters trailed him, even to a rest stop where Mr. Gore paused to buy a Diet Dr Pepper for the road.
Blair Thomas scored his first two rushing touchdowns of the season against San Diego on Sunday, and after the game he rushed out of the locker room without talking, leaving reporters to trail him outside.
The reporters trailed him, firing questions on the run.
Behind them trailed three ferret-eyed reporters from the lobby downstairs.
Although Mr. Biden avoided any formal interviews, he found himself conducting mini-news conferences as reporters trailed him to and from the Senate floor and the hearing room.