The one reporter still traveling with him was left behind.
By now, many reporters have been traveling with the same candidate for more than six weeks of 14-hour days.
But he told reporters traveling with him to Europe last month that there was never a good time to leave.
A small group of reporters traveling with the campaign was allowed to review the records for 30 minutes.
Why, with a time machine a reporter could travel ahead and report a man's death, get pictures of his funeral.
Occasionally a reporter travels there and, on returning, is said to have been "out in the country."
"I don't mind adversity," he told the reporters traveling with him.
They smiled and waved for the cameras of reporters traveling with the marines.
"I just said, Lookit," he recalled today when asked to explain the change to the reporters traveling with him.
"They just made it up and pulled it out of thin air," he told reporters traveling with him today.