Do you really mean to tell me that an accomplished photojournalist with your knack for getting the impossible shot needed my help in basic reporting technique?
They are known for their reporting technique of delving deep into documents and then, after what could be a long investigative period, interviewing the necessary sources.
"It is going to lead all journalists to exercise more caution, perhaps undue caution, about the use of investigative reporting techniques."
Court reporters said someone trained in the latest reporting techniques could capture up to 260 spoken words a minute at an accuracy level of about 98 percent.
He said that in this case, the magazine had followed careful and proper reporting techniques.
But in court, his reporting techniques were thrown back at him.
Generic Enterprises Must Apply Code 000-700 of the act and apply stringent reporting techniques.
Researchers have long used the 24-hour reporting technique to help understand people's eating habits.
All segments feature a lesson on their reporting techniques, such as how to spot "dodgy" guys and how to identify the different types of "experts".
Many journalists argue that hidden cameras and other undercover reporting techniques have long been necessary tools for exposing vital issues of public policy and health.