Interpreted in this context, the strong man represents Satan, and the attacker represents Jesus.
To Peck, the mysterious stranger represented Satan and the spirit of death.
The vessel represents Satan who has all the goods of the world, decorated to attract people.
The Serpent, representing Satan, is twined round the bottom of the cross.
He "genuinely believes that there are certain people in this world who represent Satan," said a former senior State Department official of the Reagan Administration.
On the final day of the annual hajj pilgrimage, Muslims throw stone pebbles at walls representing Satan.
By the time we were done, I was thoroughly exhausted, and quite understood why many cultures have used goats to represent Satan.
Though Flagg was never intended to represent Satan, that did not detract from what King sees as his ultimate goal.
It is likely the latter represents Satan, using the World to hook the unwary (Matthew, 4:8-9).